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电 话:0731-86393898
手 机:13077353079


Why Malaysian Tongkat Ali is The Rea


    Now that Tongkat Ali Extract has proven to be nature’s greatest testosterone builder that increases libido while treating erectile dysfunction, unscrupulous vendors have entered the marketplace. These vendors are damaging the product’s reputation and credibility and are using the name, not the product to make sales.

They accomplish this with misleading advertising. Tongkat Ali Tea, Tongkat Ali Coffee and even Tongkat Ali cookies are some of the products that may contain a very small amount of diluted Tongkat Ali or none at all. There are also other vendors who knowingly market Tongkat Ali that has been combined with some other product but marketed as Tongkat Ali.

Let’s make one thing clear. The place where the safest, most reliable Tongkat Ali Extract is produced is Malaysia. The production of Tongkat Ali Extract is business, big business in Kuala Lampur. The government has set manufacturing standards for the production of four different strengths; 1:50, 1:100, 1:150 and 1:200, the most popular strength.

If your purpose is to obtain all natural, Tongkat Ali Extract, derived from the vertical roots of mature Eurycoma Longifolia, Malaysian produced Tongkat Ali Extract is the only product to purchase. If you are seeking the real product that increases testosterone and brings all those great benefits of a healthy testosterone level to your being, don’t settle for some cheap imitation. It simply will not work.

With 1:200 Tongkat Ali Extract from Malaysia, you can begin to realize more energy for all aspects of your life including sex. You will also have improved circulation and if you workout regularly may notice more muscle mass and strength.

Testosterone is the main male sex hormone. It is also present in women but in smaller quantities. The human body produces both free and manufactured testosterone. When men and women expect to enter into sexual relations, their testosterone, androgen and estrogen levels increase unti

先生 (销售)  
电  话: 0731-86393898
传  真:
移动电话: 13077353079
公司地址: 中国湖南长沙县中部智谷产业园8栋903
邮  编: 410000
公司主页: http://rokey.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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长沙合健生物科技有限公司 公司地址:中国湖南长沙县中部智谷产业园8栋903
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